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If you work in a motorbike dealership, are a tech in a mechanic garage or a DIY tuner; motorcycle components aren't the only things you need. Complete your jobs just like the professionals - our experienced Teknik Workshop uses the same genuine OEM & quality aftermarket suspension servicing tools, fluids & extras.
Improvising with the wrong basic tools takes forever; plus you're more likely to slip & hurt your suspension components or body. We've all been desperate & tried it though - ugly scrapes, scoring, scratching & gouges on hard outer case faces, rounded off edges on rusted nuts & bolts because you can't get enough grip & torque in a tight space, often a new finger scar. Make your life easier, save some time, save your hands & parts from injury with these essential expert slide-in stops.
Depending on fork cartridge design, rebuilding means holding a piston or damper rod so it can't drop back into the front forks. The unwise grab locking pliers or vise grips, with crushing steel teeth. Please don't feed them shiny chrome surface finishes. A delicate rubber oil seal lip is designed to slide against it constantly for thousands of kilometres, so a little nick with those channel locks & you are about to grate it & leak. Regular maintenance is only good when done correctly.
If you work in a motorbike dealership, are a tech in a mechanic garage or a DIY tuner; motorcycle components aren't the only things you need. Complete your jobs just like the professionals - our experienced Teknik Workshop uses the same genuine OEM & quality aftermarket suspension servicing tools, fluids & extras.
Improvising with the wrong basic tools takes forever; plus you're more likely to slip & hurt your suspension components or body. We've all been desperate & tried it though - ugly scrapes, scoring, scratching & gouges on hard outer case faces, rounded off edges on rusted nuts & bolts because you can't get enough grip & torque in a tight space, often a new finger scar. Make your life easier, save some time, save your hands & parts from injury with these essential expert slide-in stops.
Depending on fork cartridge design, rebuilding means holding a piston or damper rod so it can't drop back into the front forks. The unwise grab locking pliers or vise grips, with crushing steel teeth. Please don't feed them shiny chrome surface finishes. A delicate rubber oil seal lip is designed to slide against it constantly for thousands of kilometres, so a little nick with those channel locks & you are about to grate it & leak. Regular maintenance is only good when done correctly.
These solid wedges are precisely designed to instantly slot in around the stock shaft & keep the damping valving square, stop it falling down into the cylinder, without risking damage. Super quick, easy & effective, they are developed to be practical, strong & durable for tough workshop repairs.
These unique options offer improved control & speed, making them reliable, comfortable & convenient to use, while still offering optimal safety & protection from accidental wear or marring. Knowing your front suspension brand, you can also find a complete range of tools by manufacturer. So why pay a factory servicing department to fix your pair of fork legs? For any kind of offroad, enduro, race, trail, road, motocross, adventure or dirt bikes, you can maintain, refresh or replace the tricky performance internals inside your fork tubes using these specialist tools.
To overhaul other parts of your bike, try our shock absorber tool sets for help restoring your rear end or chassis, hub & axle tools for maintaining the rest of the bike's body. Be a pro wrenching at home, work or at the racing circuit in the pits.
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